Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Army Emergency Leave Suggestions On Military Travel Amd Emergency Leave?

Suggestions on Military Travel amd emergency leave? - army emergency leave

due to unexpected health problems, my husband and I have to go home to see family. My husband is taking a military active duty and special leave. we flew from Honolulu to Philadelphia. We can not pay for flights in 2000. Space is very difficult due to chance and the time of the year. Does anyone have any suggestions? Does anyone know a program to build or where to find cheap flights you help?


Anonymous said...

Your only option is to get a loan without interest from the VRE.

Anonymous said...

Your only option is to get a loan without interest from the VRE.

Anonymous said...

1. if the license to the state of emergency, you will have priority for space travel.

This should take you back to the States.

You need only get tickets for an airline for the rest of the journey.

They have information about where to get a ceremony in a different response times.

You can also contact the airlines to explain the situation and see what they can do.

Anonymous said...

I might try to board a military flight from Hawaii to philiy. To see the free flow at the air base and take appropriate flights going there, or as close as possible.

Anonymous said...

I might try to board a military flight from Hawaii to philiy. To see the free flow at the air base and take appropriate flights going there, or as close as possible.

Anonymous said...

We are stationed in Hawaii, but the Marines ...

http://www.militaryfares.com/ it can be tempting, but usually not much better than Expedia or other travel sites. Space is probably the best choice in terms of price. I know it's crap, I must go back to Philly, and I've spent a lot of money, because theres no other choice. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

We are stationed in Hawaii, but the Marines ...

http://www.militaryfares.com/ it can be tempting, but usually not much better than Expedia or other travel sites. Space is probably the best choice in terms of price. I know it's crap, I must go back to Philly, and I've spent a lot of money, because theres no other choice. Good luck.

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