Thursday, December 17, 2009

Mount And Blade Color Fix Trying To Find How To Find Value Of Famous Intaglio Printing Plate, Please Help.?

Trying to find how to find value of famous intaglio printing plate, please help.? - mount and blade color fix

I have an old plate intaglio. This we believe is zinc, as I read it probably made of zinc or copper, there is a silver color. The mounting plate on a wooden base, which is likely to register in the press. It is old. Not sure if the actual age. As for print reproduction, which covers the smallest detail, even the blades of grass. This is an engraving of "American Homestead Spring" recorded under the photo. "Published by Currier and Ives" engraved under the photo. "152 Nassau St. New York," included in picture.And fine print, the best that I can read with a magnifying glass, "Entered according to Act of Congress AD 1869 by Currier & Ives, in the District Court of the United United for the Southern District of New York. "I wonder how I would be worth it and who or what kind of sensors can be interested in these parts, it would. I think a lot about this special online print, but used none of the actual plates, so as not to find the best out of print or others.I make this kind of plaque on the linefor sale or see or anything. If you know of a way forward that would be great. Thank you for reading my long question of breath.


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